King's Brotherhood | Fan Site for Final Fantasy XV
Action from Final Fantasy XV

As with any video game, its all about the action. The gameplay. Here are some of my favorite screenshots from the heat of the action in Final Fantasy XV! From behemoths, to tonberries, to chocobos, to flan. All memorable creatures of the series make a return in one way or another!

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The Behemoth Deadeye

Deadeye is a powerful behemoth that has been terrorizing all the chocobos in the area. Now looks like he's stalking Gladio next!

Fight the Fangs!

Noctis always heads into battle prepared for any enemy, with sword in hand. Ignis fights with daggers and will always be there to protect the group and help them strategize to victory.


Looks like jelly, but its flan! These are some of the biggest pests to fight, magic is really the only thing that can damage them. You aren't gonna put a dent in them like that Noctis!